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January 22, 2025

Helium 10 is a popular tool for e-commerce sellers, especially for analyzing Amazon data. Accuracy is essential when using such tools, and Helium 10 provides a reliable solution.

According to Jungle Scout’s report, it offers 74% accuracy when compared to real Amazon sales data. This accuracy is achieved through various data sources, including Amazon’s API and advanced algorithms.

While there may be slight differences in the data, Helium 10 remains a strong choice for sellers looking to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Key Takeaways

Helium 10 is 74% accurate for Amazon and Walmart in estimating data.
Helium 10 uses Amazon API, confident estimates from their over-the-year experience, AI and machine learning models, AWS data, third-party sources, and real users.
To boost Helium 10’s accuracy, refer to estimates from other tools, be aware of your niche and its trends, and use more Helium 10 tools than one.
Helium 10 Accurate

The most critical parameter to which the data accuracy is compared is the actual Amazon data. To find the accuracy of anything having a variable to compare it against is important, and here, the Amazon API data is one.

In contrast, this accuracy can also be termed the margin of error. The margin of error tells how much of a difference the figure from the tool has with actual Amazon data.

How Accurate Is Helium 10?

On average, Helium 10 is 74% accurate and more accurate in estimating Amazon and Walmart marketplace data.

Further in the article, you’ll see reviews by real users claiming it to be one of the most accurate Amazon tools. Helium 10 has an official blog post where they’ve compared the actual Amazon sellers’ data and checked how close Helium 10 estimates were for that product. 

Helium 10 Accuracy
Source: Jungle Scout

There are a couple of resources that say otherwise, like – Jungle Scout’s comparison blog with Helium 10 and other blogs that used this same research. They worked on a case study to compare which tool was the most accurate. However, this case study isn’t reliable as it dates back to 2019. 

Helium 10 has since then improved a lot and has become more accurate and reliable, and hence Jungle Scout’s case study cannot be considered given the old data.

My Test On Checking Helium 10’s Accuracy

Let me give you a real-world example of the accuracy of Helium 10 on Amazon. I tested the accuracy for one of the highest-selling product categories on Amazon – Electronics. 

I found the laptop below from HP that is titled “Amazon’s Choice.” Amazon shares that the particular product has been sold over 1000 times in the past month:

Helium 10 Chrome extension
Source: Amazon

Running the Helium 10 Chrome extension and using the Xray feature for product research, Helium 10 showed the sales volume to be 1,661. 

Xray feature for product research

While the exact figure is not known, the sales estimates are at least not way off of the original figure. While this is good to know, my test may not be enough to understand the accuracy of Helium 10.

Here’s the case study conducted by Helium 10 that I mentioned earlier.

Helium 10’s case study is a video by their Director Of Training – Bradley Sutton.

This study refers to a blog post and a YouTube video by Helium 10 where Bradley compares the actual data from his Amazon Sellers Account to the sales estimates given by “Xray.” 

Here’s the summary of his research: 

ProductsAmazon Sellers DataHelium 10 estimateDifferenceAccuracy percentage
Product #1670 units668 units2 units99.70%
Product #264 units50 units14 units78.12%
Product #397 units62 units35 units63.91%
Product #468 units50 units18 units73.5%
Product #560 units47 units13 units78.3%

Taking an average of the accuracy above, Helium 10 is at least 70% accurate with its sales estimates.

During the entire video and blog, Bradley stresses the fact that the differences are harmless and that the Helium 10 estimates still hit the ballpark and would not affect your business decisions.

How Accurate Are Other Amazon Sales Estimators?

Now, there are other similar tools to consider, too. However, when I researched their methodology and checked how Helium 10 sources their data, I couldn’t find as transparent and in-depth information as I did from Helium 10.

To continue my own test, I compared the sales estimates of the product that I used the Chrome extension on; I used the free Amazon sales estimators given by – Jungle Scout and AMZ Scout.

Keeping the 1K+ figure in mind, I still couldn’t judge the accuracy of either, but I knew that these estimators were within the correct margins.

Here are the results that I got. 

Amazon FigureHelium 10Jungle ScoutAMZ Scout
1000+ sales166112001450

Still, comparing one tool to another doesn’t really make sense. It’s an apple-to-orange comparison. Both are fruits, and you cannot know which one tastes better unless you have a clear variable against which to compare them.

Where Does Helium 10 Get Its Data From?

Helium 10 predicts product sales perfectly by 38.2% on average and claims to be 10% more accurate than Jungle Scout.

But, the important thing to consider here is Helium 10’s data collection methods. Here’s where Helium 10 gets its data from:

Data SourceHelium 10 features
Amazon APIRefund Genie, Inventory Protector, Profits,  Follow-Up, and Alerts
Helium 10 estimatesRefund amounts
Helium 10 tech team processing raw data using AI and machine learning models.All other data

Other sources from where Helium 10 takes its data are:

  1. Amazon public data from AWS. 
  2. User-generated data.
  3. Third-party sources.

These are all credible and effective sources that Helium 10 uses to provide the required insights to customers. 

The Factors Affecting Helium 10’s Accuracy

How much can you trust Helium 10’s accuracy, though? Can you trust Helium 10 blindly?

As no tool is fully accurate, even with the available data resources and the team working to provide confident data estimates, there are always a few limitations to keep in mind.

The accuracy of Helium 10, at times, can be affected by a few factors:

1. Variations And Availability Of Listing

When checking the sales volume of a product, estimates can go up or down a few percent if there are multiple variations of a single product. More so, because of the unavailability of the product. 

If the product goes out of stock, the Helium 10 algorithm needs more work to figure out the actual sales for the product.

2. Rapidly Changing Market

In a fast-paced market, a particular product in trend, for example, Christmas caps during Christmas, can affect the estimates that Helium 10 makes.

However, to tackle this, Helium 10 has a separate feature to find trending products by using “Trendster,” which tracks the seasonal trends of a particular product. This tool gets you the product trend over time by simply inserting the ASIN

Why Is Knowing The Accuracy Of Helium 10 Important?

Given the nature of this tool, i.e., to get and provide data on Amazon products for a user to benefit from, accuracy is of utmost importance.

Such accuracy helps to find high-performing products, keywords, and search volumes, analyze the competition, etc. Accuracy in these figures helps form a solid strategy and make impactful business decisions.

Though no tool is 100% accurate, accuracy matters a lot when dealing with large volume data. Smaller margins of data inaccuracy pile up a lot when running large-scale operations. 

Helium 10 User Reviews On Its Accuracy 

Verifying what other Helium 10 users have to say about its accuracy, I referred to users sharing their reviews on Helium 10’s accuracy. I sourced the actual customer testimonials from websites like Capterra and G2.

From this study, I found that 8/11 people positively rate Helium 10’s accuracy on G2! On the other hand, users on Capterra have mixed opinions on the tool, but are posted a few years ago.

3 Ways To Boost Helium 10’s Accuracy

Finally, to be more assured about your Helium 10 data research, follow the below 3 ways and be more confident about the Helium 10 data.

1. Verify With Multiple Estimators

While I said that comparing two Amazon sales estimators does not make sense, it provides a basis for comparing the estimates. This range of estimates allows us to understand if a tool is way off than the actual figures. 

2. Research Your Niche And Trends

Knowing the niche in which you are selling is important, too, as with experience, you can gauge the estimates against the history of the niche and products.

Analyzing trends can go a long way in improving Helium 10’s accuracy. Use the Trendster tool to understand the seasonal fluctuations.

3. Use Multiple Helium 10 Tools

To get refined data, you can use more than one tool to research products, keywords, competitors, etc.

For example, you have Xray, Blackbox, and Trendster for product research. For keyword research, you have – Cerebro, Magnet, Xray keywords, etc. 

Such a diverse suite of tools can bring out the best results and enhance the accuracy of Helium 10.

Conclusion: Helium 10 Gives Accurate Data For Amazon And Walmart

Taking inspiration from Bradley Sutton’s example, when you want to test the accuracy of a tool, you do not test its accuracy against another similar tool. 

Instead, the accuracy of a tool should be compared against the actual figures. Helium 10 takes its data from Amazon APIs and data from AWS and uses other effective data scraping techniques, so Helium 10 gets and provides closely accurate data.

With such a large dataset and ever-changing ways to improve the process, you can trust Helium 10 for the data it produces for its accuracy!


How accurate is helium 10?

Helium 10 provides at least 70% accurate data for sales, keywords, keyword variation, search volumes, etc. 

Which tool is more accurate than Helium 10?

One single tool cannot be termed more accurate than the other. Any tool cannot provide consistently accurate results than the other. 

How accurate is Refund Genie on Helium 10?

Refund Genie is highly accurate as Helium 10 uses actual Amazon API data for its signature Refund Genie tool, which is available with premium plans.

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